listopad 2009
Dr. David R. Hawkins
PS: Prožijme Vánoce tak, aby všichni kolem nás je mohli slavit podle svých přání a cítili radost a lásku.
Za kolektiv příznivců Dr. Hawkinse
Vám přeje
Jan Mačto
Merry Christmas, everyone!
„I can’t tell you what joy it is to be here and see you all. It’s a marvelous experience, marvelous and I thank God for what a wonderful gift to have such a crowd to be with. To have been with each other, we are aligned throughout eternity. We become part of God. We ARE part of God. We are part of God. We are God’s reflection in the world. What more could you want for Christmas? Wrap yourself up and put yourself under the tree…“
Nov, 2009
Dr. David R. Hawkins